For the third time in a row, Prishtina hosts a regional summit on challenges to peace and democracy in the Western Balkans


Për të tretën herë me radhë, Prishtina pret një samit rajonal mbi sfidat e paqes dhe  demokracisë në Ballkanin Perëndimor

Prishtina, September 24, 2024: For the third consecutive year, Kosovo is hosting a pivotal regional  conference—the Kosovo Peace and Democracy Summit (KPDS)—bringing together civil society  leaders, experts, and policymakers from across the Western Balkans to address critical challenges  to peace and democracy. The event, organized by New Social Initiative (NSI), Kosovar Centre for  Security Studies (KCSS), and Sbunker, continues its mission to foster regional dialogue and  cooperation on the pressing issues facing the Western Balkans.

The 2024 edition of the KPDS, held under the theme “Radical Realities: Ethno-Political Dynamics  and Euro-Atlantic Integration in the Western Balkans,” explores the tension between rising ethno￾political radicalization and the region’s aspirations for Euro-Atlantic integration. This year’s summit  features participants from across the Western Balkans, who will engage in discussions on topics  like how to keep the focus on the region amid growing global crisis, Kosovo-Serbia normalization  dialogue, authoritarianism tendencies and practices in the region, malign foreign influence,  disinformation, cybersecurity, etc.

Jovana Radosavljević, Executive Director of New Social Initiative (NSI), highlighted the significance  of the summit’s focus on radicalization and its effects on democracy: “We are concerned that our  region is experiencing growing challenges to democratic principles. When combined with ethno￾political populism, this poses serious risks to peace, democracy, and interethnic relations. Through  the KPDS, our goal is to encourage constructive dialogue on these crucial issues, fostering unity  rather than exacerbating divisions.”

Mentor Vrajolli, Executive Director of KCSS, highlighted the role of civil society in providing a safe  platform for dialogue: “In a time of deep polarization in our societies, the role of civil society  becomes even more important. We are proud that KPDS serves as a constructive platform for  addressing these tensions and discussing the path forward for Kosovo-Serbia normalization and the  wider region's integration into Euro-Atlantic frameworks.”

Bardhi Bakija, Executive Director of Sbunker, spoke about the geopolitical dimensions of this year’s  summit: “With growing foreign influence in the region, especially from Russia and China, this  summit is crucial for examining how these dynamics affect the Western Balkans. It’s time for our  leaders to demonstrate genuine commitment to the European integration process.”

Supported by international partners such as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, National Endowment  for Democracy (NED), and the German Federal Foreign Office, the summit has become an  important forum for affirmative dialogue on interethnic cooperation and shaping the region’s future.  

The KPDS relevance has increased amid growing unpredictability and instability in the Western  Balkans.  

The KPDS aims to become a cornerstone for a dialogue on how civil society can promote greater  regional cooperation and integration, as well as bringing the region closer to the Euro-Atlantic  community.