KCSS researcher Donika Emini attended the seminar entitled 'Stepping into EU's shoes - A new road map enlargement' organized by the German Coundil on Foreign Affars (DGAP) in Berlin.
This year’s TRAIN alumni workshop provided the opportunity to experience policy making on the Western Balkans from the other side of the table. In a simulation exercise, led by a highly-experienced trainer, participants stepped into the shoes of European Commission officials and develop a new EU integration strategy for the Western Balkans, thus testing the opportunities and constraints of EU policy making towards the region.
Participating researchers from all Western Balkan countries (Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Monetenegro, Serbia and BiH) also submited their inputs and discuss their expectations towards the upcoming Paris summit on the Western Balkans with decision makers in Germany and France. All participants had the chance to discuss with the reresentatives from the German, French and Austria Embasy in Berlin about the "Berlin process" and the future perspectives for the Western Balkans.