
KCSS Researchers Plator Avdiu and Donika Emini are participating in a training course on “Building Integrity Foundation”. The course runs through the Building Integrity UK Programme is a collaborative partnership between the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom and Transparency International Defence and Security Programme, supported and coordinated by the UK Embassy in Skopje.

The course brought together a range of regional participants from Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania mainly coming from the military, police and civilian officials. The focus of the course is on identifying corruption, implementing anti-corruption measures, improving accountability and transparency within the security sector. Moreover, the aim of the course is to improve the understanding of corruption phenomenon and the measures that can be used in reducing it within the Defence and Security Sector in general.

Knowledge gained during the course will be of crucial importance for the KCSS team implementing the project “Monitoring and Evaluating the Integrity in the Security Institutions in Kosovo”.