
As part of the activities of increasing integrity in the security sector in Kosovo, the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), on November 19, has presented the perspective of the civil society about the integrity plans of the security institutions, at a workshop organized by the Kosovar Democratic Institute (KDI) on behalf of the topic "Integrity in Public institutions". KCSS researcher, Plator Avdiu, discussed the need to develop and implement the integrity plans in security institutions through concrete steps. In this context, he emphasized the professional contribution that KCSS gave during the drafting process of the Integrity Plan for the Ministry of the Kosovo Security Force (2016-2018) and the matrix of implementations actions for this plan.

Meanwhile, regarding the Kosovo Police, Avdiu concluded that this institution has not such a plan, although there has been fulfilled some documents dealing with promoting of integrity, such as the Code of Ethics. Furthermore, Avdiu has presented the research work that KCSS has done in this context, which mentioned challenges and problems in the field of integrity that are facing Kosovo Police and Security Force, such as human resources, corruption, and public procurement and strengthening the internal control mechanisms.

At the workshop organized by KDI, which was held in Durres, on 18 to 20 November 2016 attended representatives of the Government of Kosovo, Justice institutions in Kosovo, municipalities, independent agencies, civil society and media.