
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) on Thursday, 26th of November 2015, has organized the conference entitled:"Police Integrity in Kosovo". The aim of this event was to encourage discussion on challenges and priorities of building stable mechanisms of police integrity in Kosovo, with special reference to the most sensitive issues of the police integrity.

KCSS’s researchers, Skender Perteshi and Plator Avdiu have presented research findings of "Police Integrity in Kosovo", this report aims to assess and analyze the integrity of the police, and to address the problems and challenges in these sectors of the police to set up the professionalization of the police, transparency, depoliticisation, human resources management, finance and public procurement, internal and external control , monitoring of the police. Although police ranks among the most credible institutions of Kosovo's citizens, however, independence and its integrity has been questioned and there is a need for more progress in the above areas.

Presentation on the same topic has been organized simultaneously in Belgrade, Podgorica and Sarajevo, where the research results has been presented by the partners on the project: Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP), Institute Alternative (IA), and Centre for Security Studies (CSS).

Presentation of research finding is organized within project “Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust: POINTPULSE”, supported by the European Union via program of Civil Society Facility (EuropeAid/136-034/C/ACT/Multi). You can also follow the activities within the project on the website www.pointpulse.net or via Twitter @POINTPULSEnet #BalkanCops and #POINTPULSE.

Gallery from the conference