Drejtori i QKSS Florian QEHAJA, Sekretari Mentor VRAJOLLI dhe Hulumtuesja Sofije KRYEZIU kanë marrë pjesë në konsultimin publik lidhur me draftin fillestar të Projektligjit për dërgimin e pjesëtarëve/kontingjentit të Forcës së Sigurisë së Kosovës jashtë vendit.
The KCSS representatives as well as other representatives from civil society organisations provided their views on the process of drafting the law which should be in accordance with the needs of society as well as human capacities and financial resources. The representatives of civil society values the consultation process undertaken by the Ministry of KSF with the non-nongovernmental actors. The law has been supported by the participants and the issues of KSF deployment in the peacekeeping and civil emergency operations have been considered as crucially important.
In this public debate participated senior officials of the Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) and Kosovo Security Force, participants from civil society, independent experts, representatives of academia, international military officials and the media.