
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), today, on 26th of Janurary 2017, has launched the report entitled:"Women in Violent Extremism: Lessons learned from Kosovo".

The purpose of this research is to shed light on the women from Kosovo who participate in violent extremists organizations and potential consequences deriving from their role. While the report will be solely focused on Kosovo, it will bring international knowledge in treating this phenomenon having in mind that Kosovo marks no general exception when compared to other countries. The goal is to particularly identify who these women are, why would they participate in these conflicts, and what is their role.

During the presentation of report it was discussed about:

1. How many Kosovar womens have joined the violent extremist groups in the conflict in Syria and Iraq?

2. What are the main factors that led these women to join violent extremist groups?

3. What is the role of women in violent extremist groups?

4. What is the recruitment method of women from violent extremist groups?

5. What kind of life do Kosovo women when they join extremist groups on the territory of Syria and Iraq?

6. How can we engage women in preventing violent extremism?

This report has been published in the framework of KCSS programe for countering violent extremism and it is supported by the Think Tank Fund for Wider Europe – Open Society Initiative for Europe grant.