

KCSS researcher Donika Emini attended a study visit organized in the framework of the Western Balkans Anti-corruption Forum hosted by the European Academy for Diplomacy. The study visit took place in Warsaw, Poland. During the two days in Warsaw, the participant had the opportunity to visit bodies successfully contributing to fighting corruption. Participants involved in managing anticorruption bodies visited Polish institutions successful in combating corruption after the transition. The visit was supplemented by debates with experts coming from all V4 countries.

The Western Balkans Anti-corruption Forum as a project will focus on sharing the V4 countries’ experiences in combating corruption among the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). Program objectives include identifying the gaps in combating corruption in the Western Balkans, sharing the V4 experiences in the field, and equipping chosen participants with skills and knowledge necessary to improve anticorruption measures in their countries.

The next event in the framework of this project will be held in Prishtina. This meeting will be public and will gather experts for different institutions and civil society from the region.

This program is organized with the support of the Council of Europe and the International Visegrad Fund.