
The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) organized a study visit in Ljubljana (Slovenia) for the Members of the Kosovo Assembly, from 8 - 11 May, 2012. It aimed to exchange on lessons learned with experts from Slovenia, the West Balkan region and selected EU countries. The participants were the Members of the Parliamentary Committee on the Supervision of Kosovo Intelligence Agency, Members of Parliamentary Committee on Internal Affairs, Security and KSF, Inspector General of KIA, the representatives of Ombudsperson, Office of Audit General and EULEX. The KCSS Director, Florian Qehaja, provided presentations in two separate panels: one on the lawful interception of telecommunications, based on the KCSS recent research paper and the other one on the financial control and oversight of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency.

On the 11th of May, the KCSS Director also provided a presentation at the University American College in Skopje. The presentation entitled “State-building Developments in Post-Independent Kosovo” raised the interest of students of the Department of Political Science. On this occasion, the KCSS director has been provided a certificate of appreciation.