The prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace is essential to achieve gender equality, and to create an environment where harmony and safety are ensured in the workplace. This includes respect to human rights, enforcement of the labor law, law on gender equality, and relevant international conventions. Sexual harassment is a criminal offence. According to Article 183, Paragraph 2, of the Criminal Code, sexual harassment includes any form of unwanted verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which aims at or effectively constitutes a violation of the dignity of a person, which creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading or offensive environment. The KCSS regulation for the prevention and treatment of sexual harassment cases is an important component of the structure of work regulations, and the internal policies of the organization. This regulation aims at establishing a structured and effective mechanism to handle sexual harassment complaints. Through this regulation, KCSS is committed to strengthening clear standards and practices that help prevent and manage sexual harassment the workplace. This includes employee awareness, training to identify inaproppriate behaviours, complaint procedures and case investigations, as well as disciplinary measures for those who violate these rules.
PUBLISHED BY Kosovar Centre for Security Studies
AUTHORS Qendra Kosovare për Studime të Sigurisë
Supported by Kosovar Centre for Security Studies