Child and youngster protection policy


The Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) recognizes the importance of safeguarding the well-being and rights of children and youngsters who may occasionally be part of its projects or activities. This policy is designed to ensure the protection of children and youngsters within the framework of KCSS activities. Aligned with the legal and policy framework of child protection in the Republic of Kosovo, specifically Law No. 06/L-084 on Child Protection, KCSS is committed to preventing physical and mental violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect, and any form of harm that jeopardizes their safety, health, education, and overall development. This policy outlines responsibilities and guidelines for KCSS personnel working with children, aiming to ensure their protection and welfare.

PUBLISHED BY Kosovar Centre for Security Studies

AUTHORS Qendra Kosovare për Studime të Sigurisë

Supported by Kosovar Centre for Security Studies