Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue: Do politicians hear the citizens?


Dialogu Kosovë -Serbi: A i dëgjojnë politikanët qytetarët?

KCSS researchers Donika Marku and Plator Avdiu participated in the Conference “Kosovo- Serbia Dialogue: Do politicians hear the citizens?” held on 24th of February 2020, in Belgrade. Donika Marku presented the findings of KCSS research as part of Kosovo- Serbia Policy Advocacy Group, regarding what citizens think about the technical agreements reached between Kosovo and Serbia, how informed are they and how theseagreements influence their daily lives. The data were gathered using ten focus groups in municipalities of Prishtina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Peja and Gjilan with respondents 18 to 35 and over 35.

KCSS researcher Plator Avdiu was part of the third panel with the topic “Citizens' views on the continuation of dialogue and possible solutions of Belgrade-Pristina relations” where he presented and discussed on findings of the Kosovar Security Barometer Special Edition on Kosovo- Serbia Dialogue. During this conference, the KSB findings regarding the risks to national security, the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Kosovo's customs tariffs on Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and what respondents think on the possibility of implementing Kosovo's full reciprocity with Serbia.

This conference was organized by Belgrade Center for Security Policy (BCSP) in the framework of the regional project Kosovo-Serbia Polici Advocacy Group (KSPAG)